kadó Memories

25 years of kadó. A liquorice journey in 6 memories from 1997 to 2022.
Fancy a game, dear liquorice monsters?

Memories of 25 years of kadó

Fancy a little time travel without a competition? We have summarised the 25 years of our kadó liquorice life in 6 memories. You are cordially invited to play them online and enjoy yourself. And for those who like to nibble liquorice to play: Liquorice & Memorie is available as a real game, in a limited edition. The memorie cards are played and the liquorice motifs are snacked away. Mmm, see you soon!

We reached our limits!

Dear visitor - thank you for visiting kado.de. Our capacities are fully utilized, so unfortunately we cannot accept any new shipping customers at the moment,

Regular Customers with a customer account may order as usual after logging in.

New customers can currently order only by "pick up by arrangement".

You are a long standing customer but have never ordered online?  Contact us - we will find a solution.

1996 A black idea

1997 - 2001 Starting business

2002 - 2006 Our own liquorice

2007 - 2011 kadó needs more space

2012 - 2016 kadó designs

2017- 2022 kadó turns 25

Another memorie?





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